Watership Down Wiki
Unten Am Fluss (soundtrack)

Unten Am Fluss is a German PC video game/audiobook spin-off of the Watership Down TV series. This series was released in 2001. There are 17 discs in total, with only 3 being video games, while the rest only contain audio.


Despite the setting of the TV series starting off with the rabbits already leaving without Sandleford Warren present, the setting of the first video game starts off at Sandleford Warren with Thearah's refusal and Fiver's Vision present.


The soundtrack in Unten Am Fluss is the same soundtrack used as the TV series soundtrack.


  1. Auf der Suche nach dem Watership Down (In Search of Watership Down)
  2. Neues Zuhause - Neue Gefahren (New Home - New Dangers)
  3. Die Befreiung der Stallkaninchen (The Rescue of the Hutch Rabbits)


  1. Das gelobte Land (The Promised Land)
  2. Neues Zuhause - Neue Gefahren (New Home - New Dangers)
  3. Die Schlinge (The Loop)
  4. Der Neue (The New)
  5. Gefahr Aus Efrafa (Danger From Efrafa)
  6. Der Einbruch (The Burglary)
  7. Der Fuchs (The Fox)
  8. Flucht Aus Efrafa (Escape from Efrafa)
  9. Heimweh (Homesick)
  10. Hannahs Plan (Hannah's Plan)
  11. Verschwunden (Dissapeared)
  12. Freund odek Feind (Friend or Fiend)
  13. Entführt (Kidnapped)
  14. Der Gefangene Von Efrafa (The Prisoner of Efrafa)



Gameplay videos[]

Watership Down media
Print media
Watership Down (1972) • Tales from Watership Down (1996) • The Graphic Novel (2023)
Animated media
Film (1978) • TV series (1999-2001) • Miniseries (2018)
Video games
Unten Am Fluss (2001)